Grace Judson

Grace JudsonProfile Photo

Leadership geek

Grace has a unique perspective on the interaction of technology, people, and transitions.

She grew up in business systems analysis and software development, and has been called a Master Translator of tech-speak to business-speak and back again. That skill enabled her to understand, design, and build a business intelligence system that many said couldn’t be done. Technical project managers excel in (spoiler alert!) technical project management. But there’s more to implementing those projects than just getting them up and running in production. There’s the people side of the process, the end users, who are often uncertain and anxious about what this means for their jobs.

Grace teaches simple, straightforward, neuroscience-backed tools that make sense to the techie brain AND help overcome the people problems that can derail technical project implementations.

565 Leadership and Communication with Grace Judson

565 Leadership and Communication with Grace Judson

Episode page
563 How to Solve the People Problems with Tech Projects

563 How to Solve the People Problems with Tech Projects

Episode page