We sit down with the dynamic duo from SuperOps, Juan Fernandez and Nancy Henriquez.

We're not just talking tech—we're talking revolution.

Juan, taking us through his evolution from an MSP owner to a pivotal role at SuperOps, shares his passion for creating process-driven tools, a vision now being realized within his new tech family. Meanwhile, Nancy, affectionately dubbed the "Queen of the Americas," offers a sneak peek into her impactful endeavors. In a twist, we delve into our personal histories with tattoos and my own tryst with an earring, blending personal anecdotes with the nitty-gritty of ITSM advancements.

Prepare to be enlightened by the role of AI in transforming the MSP landscape, as we discuss SuperOps' in-house AI-driven automation. Discover how this proprietary technology is not just changing the game in ticket management and predictive device issue resolution but also elevating customer service by enhancing communication without losing the human touch. 

SuperOps, under the leadership of industry veterans like Juan and Nancy, is not only redefining ITSM but also nurturing the very community that sustains it. With their integrated tools, community focus, and a dash of humor, they're paving the way for a future where technology and humanity go hand in hand.

=== Links from today's show

Website: https://superops.com/

Want a Demo?: https://superops.ai/demo?src=marvin

Join the SuperOps Community: https://community.superops.ai/

=== Music: 

Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

Author: AlexanderRufire

License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

=== Show Information

Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

Host: Marvin Bee

Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv


00:08 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Hello friends, welcome to another episode of the IT Business Podcast. I am your host, Uncle Marv. You are here listening to the live show Wednesday evening's 8 pm, presented by Net Ally, your number one ally when it comes to network testing diagnostic tools. They are lovely friends of the podcast. If you are watching the video, you saw some of the other sponsors up there. Tonight we are going to have our newest sponsor the mug that you can see if you're watching the video Holds my Nightly Drink, sponsored by SuperOps, and Juan and Nancy are waiting in the green room and we will be talking about them. And then, of course, our other sponsors computers done right and instanthousecallcom. Let's you know what? Let's just go ahead and get on with the show. Let me bring in the man himself. Mr. Juan Fernandez Jacket is present, and Nancy Enriquez, the girl with the dragon tattoo Although there probably is no dragon anywhere is there. 

01:29 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
There is not. 

01:30 - Marvin Bee (Host)
No dragon. 

01:32 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
No, it's funny that I actually have the dragon tattoo. 

01:35 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Oh see A man with dragon tattoo. We do need to have some tattoo disclosures. I on the other. I would be tattoo talk, so yes, Although I don't have a tattoo, so I don't have much to offer. 

01:53 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I was wondering about. I was like. 

01:54 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Marley, all conversation, all right. 

01:59 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Listen, this is about as crazy as I ever gotten life. I had an earring in the left ear until I was 40 and I said that's enough. Yeah. 

02:12 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I know. I still have that thing, Marv. 

02:17 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right. So here we are, our newest sponsor, super Ops. So we're going to chat and discuss all things. Super Ops, the all new future, ready, all in one PSA RMM tool to help you grow your business, supercharge it. One conversation at a time. Did I hit all the points? 

02:42 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
You got it, man, you're hired. Okay, all right. 

02:48 - Marvin Bee (Host)
So one is the channel chief, which is the short version of your title. What's the long version of the title? 

02:56 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Oh man, I think you know the long version is what I say chief cooking bottle washer, if you will. 

03:04 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Do we have time for all that? 

03:07 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I'll start adding all of my titles to keep going and going, and going, and going, and going and going. You know, my favorite title has been my whole life. I'll tell you this more. I was a CEO and it wasn't for the reason that most people think it was because I changed it. I changed it to chief encouragement officer. 

That's been. My thing is to encourage others to be successful, no matter where I've been, no matter at the top or at the bottom, and so, as far as title goes, I've always been like. This representation of my background has even been about just getting people in a room and fixing problems and working on building businesses. That's what this is actually from my old team back when I was building my MSP. They called me the king of the conference room because I didn't have an office. I sat in the conference room and we got shit done, and so it's not about titles to me, but it's always been about working to help others and try to make things better. So this is why I have such amazing teammates like Nancy. 

04:02 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Well, and speaking of Nancy, your title is queen of the Americas right? 

04:08 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
That's right. Exactly Be the way. My crown is over here. I just placed it because it gets heavy sometimes. 

04:16 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Well, you got those headphones on, you know, don't even mess things up. 

04:20 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Oh God. 

04:24 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right here, so super obsolete. You know what? Let's do this. Let's get right to the questions and let's get the hard crap out of the way, because that's what people are here. They're going to be like are you going to throw some softballs at them? Of course I will. You're a sponsor here, so I'm going to do that. But let's first start off with the fact both of you guys are less than a year into this, right, yeah? So, Juan, my first question to you is going to be why you and why now? 

04:59 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
So I'll be honest about this, right? You know, one of the things that I saw a few years ago and being an MSP for as long as I was and building mine, I recognized the challenges and coming out and teaching and helping and giving my models away and helping others understand, like how I grew and scale mine I kept seeing this trend and I was like, man, there's just got to be a different, there's got to be something better for us, like something that fits us more elegantly. You know, I love construction gloves. It fits, it helps me build the thing. But, man, I really want to be a surgeon and I'd like a surgical glove that fits me really well. And so I actually was going to go and build an ITSM platform and I knew that there was a need in the ecosystem. After talking to so many wonderful MSPs and speaking at conferences and just sitting down and listening to the problems, I'm like you know what the problem is that there's no process in any of these tools. Like it doesn't help me build the process to grow and scale my business. And so, as I started to look at things and invested in a number of SaaS companies and started looking at other things. Like I always wanted to do it. 

I did the work to try to put together one and I just figured it was going to take me too long to bail. So when I stumbled across SuperOps, one of the beautiful things about it was I asked a lot of questions because I'm a real hard ass when it comes to vendor due diligence. Like, I'm a really tough person to do business with as an MSP and you really was hard to do business with me. So a lot of the vendors that tried to do business with me couldn't get there because, like, I just had a really high level of operational excellence I required. And so I dug hard in the SuperOps to see if I wanted to. You know, take a look at it. And man, I just saw that and I kept asking questions like are you going to do this? Like I can see that you're building this in the platform. Are you actually going to do that? And I was really uncovering a lot of their future roadmap and so I was like this is the tool that I think is going to be the thing that actually changes the matter services industry. And I said I believe it's so much that I'm actually willing to put my name on it, which is not something I normally would do. I said normally I'd be a far, I'd put money into something and stand outside and like kind of let it take its place. But this one I felt really strongly about and I could tell what it was doing and I could see the synergetic aspects of the way it worked inside of the managed services era, thinking about the future and like how MSPs work and the workflows and all the things that we need to manage. I just it was too smooth for me and I was like I had asked a couple of MSPs can you do me a favor and just take a look at this? 

Anytime I was going to invest in something, I'd ask a group of very opinionated friends to take a look at stuff and of the five that I asked, four of them came back and said thanks for the tip, I'm signing up. And I said whoa, whoa, you've never done that of anything that I've ever invested in. Why? And they're like dude, it's too good. And I said, all right. 

So then I got it and that's when I decided that I was actually going to come work for super ops and I actually didn't say that. I knew I was going back in and I actually was going to put a badge back on being my own boss for so long. I said to myself is this really what I want to do?” And the reason that I chose to do it is because I knew it was going to change the industry. I knew it was the right thing, it was the right time. 

I knew that there's a lot of people that had the need, like they need tools that work for them, not the other way around. And so I said look, if I can help build this tool to be the thing that moves businesses forward through and has the process to help build success, then I'm all in. As long as you guys are willing to listen to me, I'll come and take it to the US. And I knew that I could build an amazing team of fantastic folks because they'd see the same vision that I saw, because it's not BS, it's real. So that's why I did it and that's why I'm doing it, and that's what I'm super pumped about. Like every day I get up and I'm like today's the day that I get to announce something freaking awesome one time after the next, Like it's just so cool, man. So this is why I'm here. 

08:51 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right. So I see you were very recently on this side of the aisle and MSP. Now I know that you got all you know big and stuff and you sold and you did some big things. Why are you now at super ops? 

09:12 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
I did not get big, by the way, geez, I'm still the same size. Look at me. 

09:23 - Marvin Bee (Host)
You can move the camera closer and you know. 

09:33 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
No, so funny enough, I'm dropping stuff over here. My journey to super ops starts actually a few years ago, so one thing that I have actually said recently is that this has felt kismet for me. So let's see where I begin. At the beginning, right? So a few years ago, we there was a few gentlemen and I on a stage at a conference and we were discussing the future of MSPs, and so one of the things that I said during that time was that what we're looking for in the future and this was what 2019, so several years ago now that we're looking for vendors to start to participate in the MSP community, we're looking for the not in a monetary sense, but like education investments into the MSP world that are beyond you know. So my product. Why? Because we make you a lot of money, right? So at the end of the day that's for me it was a aha moment of the future is going to be vendors working for the MSPs. Why? Because that way we all make more money together. It's an ecosystem. So a few years later, we start talking about an ecosystem, and so for me, when I heard about a RMM platform that was supposed to be the future a couple years ago, I decided to take a peek and I liked what I was seeing. 

I was a part of the advisory board from the very beginning, early stages. I left after not too long, but then after that, I was on their podcast and so, as an MSP, sharing my MSP story, and so around the same time funny enough, Juan and I had talked about working together at some point in time, and so this is why it's Kismet I was looking for my next opportunity and Juan approached me with an opportunity to work with the community, and for me it was like I hadn't even thought about that as the next step, but I was like I'm going to work with the community. And so I was like I'm going to work with the community. And so I was like I'm going to work with the community. I used to say, when I retire, I want to be able to go back and help MSPs, mentor MSPs. I want to give back to the community that raised me. 

And so, because I've been in this community since high school, so for me it was like I want to do that in return, I want to give back. And so when I retire right, and Juan gave me this opportunity of you could come and do that and I pay you. And I was like what? Oh my God, okay. And so I obviously had looked at the product. I wish that I had recorded my reaction when I first saw it, because I fell in love the moment I saw it, and so it was okay. When he said super ops, I was like done, deal. 

13:22 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Very nice, very nice. You guys are getting some nice reactions from the chat there, nothing that I'm going to pin up right yet, but we may come back to a couple of those. So I said I was going to start with a couple of hard questions. I hope that that was not too harsh, but I do want to ask if it's not the elephant in the room, but it's something that kind of always sits in the background. At least it did that there was this persona of super ops before your time years ago and I'll be honest, I know very little about it. I heard about it, people bring it up and talked about super ops and their marketing practices and I hope that they're better and all of that stuff. Have you guys had to deal with that or has the shift truly been made? That it's in the past and I should not have asked the question? 

14:21 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
You know what the things are I knew coming into this, like I was, I was here and watched during the whole ordeal, like I was thinking to myself that company's got some of the biggest balls in the industry to go and do that and I watched that whole thing play out and I thought, man, that's a hell of a statement. And you know, the challenge was is that just like anything? Meaning that you know we mentioned early on that not everybody loves every kind of marketing, right, and especially competitors. And so there's poison pills that can be taken and distributed, and then, of course, then there's connotations and a number of different things come about. So, as far as marketing goes, the whole attempt and the whole persona of super ops is to be bold, to be different and to be brave. Right, and for that perspective, the marketing spoke in that way. It was an idea that was born by a number of MSPs that said, hey, you guys might want to consider doing this, and then it kind of got adopted and then acted upon. But being bold, brave and brazen in terms of going to market has not changed. Super ops will still be those things. It's just the way we're doing it now in terms of the way we're marketing isn't as loud as that. 

Right, we know that the one thing that we did after the first part was to support the community. We were listening to the community's voice, took the community's voice and amplified it times 10. And not everyone in the community felt the same, but that hasn't changed our mindset on how we're actually still embracing community, similar to the show we're doing now. Right, we're still out to help MSPs. We're still doing all the things that we were doing before. We're focusing on mental health and women in tech and MS show lighting, spotlighting MSPs. All of the things are still relatively the same. It's just we may not do another flash mob. 

So, trust me, I knew what I was getting into when I came here and I remember having to go and I said look, there's one thing. I got to go and have a conversation with all the Reddit MSP mods of the boards and be like, hey, look, get it, saw it, did it in the past. We're taking care of it. Won't happen again in terms of doing things like that that that were seen as maybe different in this in the US. So, by all means, this is the beauty of why we're here and, as he's the head of the US community running it very well, and I am here to make sure that we do all the right things to support our partners and all of our wonderful folks in the MSP world the way that they feel like they should be. 

So any feedback would love to hear it. I'm on all the boards. I may not talk on all of them, but if anyone wants to have a conversation about things that we can improve. We're all about learning and so we all make mistakes and in that case that is where we've done things in the past. We've course correct and so we're changing, but all the same token, we're growing really fast, so I'm excited about it. Yeah, so to your point, we're still the same, it's just we're still community focused. We just probably won't 10 X, amplify and do something like that again. 

17:44 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Well, let me say this your reputation is high enough in this industry that people are going to take notice. And yes, you guys might be, you know, unicorns or you know you're not going to toe the company line exactly, but you're, you're honest, you're fair, you speak the truth. You speak your truth and both of you have made names for yourself, being successful in this industry, and not one I did not know you know previously, but you know my friend taco in the chat here. When I heard that you two were friends, I'm like, oh, okay, must be good people. And Nancy, we met a few years ago and you know. 

Yes, we are friends, by the way, in case you're still wondering. So it has been, and been, good here. 

18:38 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
It takes a lot to be a good person, right Like, it's. It's a lot of effort. I you know, even when our new SDRs are joining us and I said, look, here's the thing that will follow you for the rest of your life is your brand, just like my jacket, right Like, apparently you guys think my jacket has to be here all the time too. But that's the thing, right Like. You have to focus on like, being the right person, like, and that’s what you can't. You have to be who you are. And I was like look, I don't have any expectations about who I want you to be. I want you to be who you are, but I want you to stay in your lane right, and then stay clean. Your reputation will always be the thing that you have the most. So I appreciate you pointing that out, because it's it takes a lot, especially the channel man. 

19:21 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Sometimes it's hard. Yeah, sometimes it's hard, and the biggest thing that I say is who you are in public and who you are in private. If they're not, the same people are going to find out at some point you 100%. 

19:35 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
That is a true statement. I've had that conversation so many times that it’s nauseous, so yeah, I used to always, you know, be told. 

19:46 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Well, I would tell people you know, ask me a question and I will answer it the same to your face as I would behind your back, and you know if it's a bad thing. It's like you may not want to ask the question, but you're probably going to get the real answer, right. 

20:02 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Yeah, I know I'm the bearer of bad news often. 

20:05 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right. So let's um, before we get too far alone, I want to make sure that you know, I, you know acknowledge once again that, yes, you guys are sponsors of the show. Now, I'm not a user of the product and I don't know if that's a yet in parentheses or anything, because I, uh, I don't, I don't vet vendors all the time. Uh, there's a ton of vendors in the channel I. I have what I have in my stack. I like it. Every so often I'll pick one and I'll look at it. But when you reached out to me, uh, for sponsoring the show, I'm like, hmm, I think we can make that work. And I know that you've been wondering, you know when there was going to be some, some stuff coming. And today I'm unveiling your mugs here, printed today, just so that you know. No, I've got the second one here, so each of you will get your own bug. I'm unveiling the printing here. 

21:14 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
So there they are, I'm literally saying I wish I had a mug with the logo on it. And there you get. There they are. 

21:21 - Marvin Bee (Host)
So each of you. Each of you will have your mug soon. We'll just talk after the show about where to get them sent. So, uh, there you go. 

21:32 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Oh, that's fantastic, Thank you. You have a beer? No, I do not have a beer. It's for the, I'll agree. No, what is that? It was a Miller light. 

21:45 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Yeah, I don't drink beer. Definitely wouldn't be Miller light or beer at all. 

21:52 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
You know what, though there's a comment in there, I don't know. That that cup looks like it might hold some other adult beverages too, for those that are asking in the chat. 

22:03 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
I mean so let me at least explain the particular does not but these are. 

22:08 - Marvin Bee (Host)
These are not your typical. They're not the ceramic mugs. So it's, yes, you can put both hot and cold liquids in them, but don't put it on a hot plate, because this will come off. So this is your basic mug. Um, I use it for me, so this is my adult After hours this is my concoction that I make. Sometimes it's a combination of orange juice and water, coconut juice and water, pineapple juice and water to keep my, to keep my voice silky smooth. 

22:51 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Yeah, nice Okay. 

22:55 - Marvin Bee (Host)
And then do you? 

22:55 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
put a little something in. 

22:57 - Marvin Bee (Host)
sometimes I'll have a hot tea, but I had that earlier, my angry hot tea. For those that remember the pot nuts pros days, that's there. 

23:07 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
That's awesome. 

23:08 - Marvin Bee (Host)
So now that I've got that, that's my sponsor portion for the evening. So you guys have your mugs. They will be in route soon. 

23:15 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
That's so cool man, Thank you. 

23:18 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Now let's ask, let's answer the question here for those that may not know, because there may be some people that popped in here just to see you guys. There may be some people listening who are regular listeners but don't know what or who super ops is. So that's at least do that. I know I mentioned it as the all in one PSA RMM tool, but what exactly does that mean? 

23:43 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Yeah, well, you know, if you think about super ops and you think about the operational aspects of your business, you know, for those MSPs that may be just starting out, which I don't know if there's any of them here today but you're thinking about, there has to be some tools, there has to be some things that I need to operate my business or support my customers, and there's a number of options. Right, sometimes you stumble across a PSA that's like a ticketing platform and then you might find some tools that you can remotely control and get some alerting and connectivity to those devices, and super ops is all of those things. So, instead of having to go to a multiple, a multitude of places for it, you can come to a one stop shop in terms of a fully integrated, ai driven RMM PSA tool and a lot of the things that MSPs start off as is without process. So we start doing tech, we start doing break fix, we start working on machines but, like we don't have like ticketing processes and SLAs and all these other things, we just start servicing things. 

Well, super ops has gone above and beyond to try to build the processes that you need to operate your business effective and efficiently into the tool, so that you don't have to go out and recreate all these things and go out and learn how do I run these tools better. It's already done for you. So a lot of the things that you would spend and I know because I did it multiple years trying to figure out is done for you and that's really good, I'm like I know, because I did it, and I'm like, oh my God, those days I was there. 

I remember using free PSA RMM tools back when I had my first one like and thinking, okay, well, I just need to get to revenue and then I'll be able to buy something nicer, right, and ultimately I did. 

But I spent a lot of money building that first one and then the second one was even more expensive. I spent millions on that Right Okay. This is just a much different, more fully integrated tool that has automated workflows and collaborative communication and centralized customer communications and security and compliance and a really seamless, unified dashboard to where, when you're working on stuff, I've even heard people say and I'm injecting a reality from customers where I think the button should be is right where I want it. Like I close my eyes and say it should be right here and it's there. And that's the amount of effort that SuperOps has gone through to listen to customers and partners and actually go through and change and configure and build this platform to really fit, like I talked about earlier, like a surgical glove. So that's what SuperOps is and we have so many amazing things inside of it that yeah. 

Excel is everything. Do you have? 

26:38 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Excel sheets are in it. 

26:41 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
You can export to Excel. I'm sure that at some point we can give you that view. 

26:49 - Marvin Bee (Host)
So I think a lot of us. 

26:52 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Aren't you tired of seeing that though? 

26:55 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Yeah, but a lot of us started out with looking for tools and, of course, the first thing you get from most of us is that remote access. We just want to be able to remote it and so we get that. And back in the day now I didn't start until 2014. And that's not too late in the MSP game, but it's not too early either. But a lot of the tools around that time were not integrated. Your RMM, your PSA were separate. If you want a documentation separate, if you want antivirus separate, if you have it. It was everything was separate. Now I did fall into one that had a big chunk of that, which is one of the reasons I don't want to change is because when I have evaluated tools, since I seem to lose a piece of what I had, and going out away from one dashboard is something I don't want to do. Now you guys have a lot of features that were they all truly built from the ground up. When it comes to PSA, RMM, documentation, project management, billing, was all that truly built from the ground up? 

28:13 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Yeah, it is. The beauty of what's built is it's built on a modern framework and a modern platform and a secure environment under secure pretenses, like it was literally started from nothing. There's nothing that was bought, there's nothing that's borrowed, there's no GitHub in there. There's no products that have been bought, like even our integrations. The reason people love them is because we build them into our tool, not bolt them on Like. So we take APIs and others and literally build them into our tool. So the reason for that is that the seamless experience has to be just that, because every time that like, there's a loss in technician time, right. So if we were to take these things and just slap them together, there's still this gap, like there's frustration. Time of switching between things. If I can click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, get it done, I'm happy, right. But if I'm click, let me go get that and then, all right, click. Oh, the phone's ringing. What was I doing, right? Like? There's just too many opportunities there. So yes to your answer. 

SuperOps is built from the ground up on its own code, in its own environment, by its own devs. We have about, we have about. I think we have about 40 engineers that are on staff and all it's all they do is they just build code and write code and do feature requests and so if there's issues or roadmap is public, like all those things, as people say, there's issues like that's why it's done so fast with us, because we have devs that are doing it. We're not like having to go hire the third party that helped us build it right. So that's a speed, that's time to profitability and time to revenue for us. So proudly it is built by us and has been from the ground up. 

30:06 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right. So, Nancy, you're out and about, you know, talking to MSPs and stuff. What are you hearing in terms of questions that they're asking can it do this, can it do that, or I wish you guys did this. What's the feedback you've been getting? 

30:22 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
So I'm glad that you asked this question, because it's an easy one for me. Thank God, no. 

30:29 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Oh, I had a hard one coming. 

30:33 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Fine, fine, no. So that's one of the things that excites me the most. So I started to literally go live with partners not even partners with people that are demoing the product because of the excitement that I saw when they were seeing the product, which was very similar to my own reaction. So I was literally timing how quickly I could onboard myself onto the product and it was less than two minutes, which was like mind blowing. And then just the process of getting everything set up. It flowed just naturally. It was like this is what I so hearts takingly built into other platforms for so many years. And, holy crap, I told Juan okay, let me go start an MSP. Oh, no, I mean I told her it's no MSP. 

31:50 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I can ask, oh, I can ask. 

31:52 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Oh, so it definitely excited me just because of the time savings that not just like setting up, but the timing on tickets. How you start a timer even is some of the things that I saw, but were some of the things that were people were in awe of is the timer itself, cause it's not difficult to start. So if it's not difficult to start, adoption is much easier and it tracks and it pauses and it follows your movements through the platform. So it's that's one thing. God, there's been so many. I think I have a list here, actually, of things that people have said the support team is incredible. So kudos to the support team, cause apparently they are amazing, and that's one thing that I hear over and over again. Feature requests are quick, so the development team is quick to add features that are being requested and that they're on top of fixes. So that's something that I got, that I wrote down today from feedback just today, and I have like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 sticky notes. 

33:24 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Can we not have time for all 10? So you and Tom are friends, so Tom's going to love you. Tom's like where are they? He loves the sticky notes. Man, let's give a shout out to Tom out there, Mr. 

33:35 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Wyatt is in the chat. 

33:38 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I actually wish I had. 

33:40 - Marvin Bee (Host)
He asked a great question that you answered how many clicks was that when you were doing your clickety click? 

33:46 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I think it's four million. Click, click, click, click, click, click click. 

33:51 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All the post-its Now have you guys had any comments about and I need to ask this because the company was born in India and there's a perception that the data centers are over there? Are there data centers like here in the US, or is everything still over in India? 

34:13 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
No, it's actually all here. So our head, where our company's founded, actually, even though we have a team in India, like we, actually our data centers are actually here in the AWS, here in the US. 

34:26 - Marvin Bee (Host)
So all the data. You just had a big party over there last week. Man Wasn't it, weren't you there for two weeks? 

34:31 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
None of our data was in India with us bro it was like we left it here in the US, because we'll see you in a little while. Data. We'll be back. 

Like, so it actually it's here in the AWS East and West, so like we have it, here it's. It does not actually exist anywhere in the in India. It is accessed securely from the other side. Again, we have our SOC2 type two, and so we have a lot of security controls and protocols around how we handle data and are able to address a lot of those. And again, it's on our website too, if anyone wants to dig into it. But there's a big concern, right, like you know, it is a friendly nation but at the same token, a lot of people have some concerns about that. So, for all intents purposes, there's a good question, but we are here and, again, this is why we're actually housing our corporate headquarters. My one of my big roles here is actually standing up the US headquarters here in Dallas and then also in Tampa. So we are here in the corporate headquarters is now here in Texas. 

35:29 - Marvin Bee (Host)
So what's going to be in Tampa, Cause you, you know that's my state. 

35:34 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I know we're coming to your town. Man Like I'll be down there next month. 

35:37 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Well, Tampa’s not my town, You're going to be. You're going to be in my town, you're going to be in the East coast. 

35:41 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I might come by. We'll go to lunch. 

35:44 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Come on by, I will Come see the studio. 

35:49 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I'll come over there and see it, cause we'll be there for a couple of weeks. So, yeah, we're going to open up our office in Tampa. So a lot of our sales engineering, our sales team primarily, will be here. So a lot of our India team actually will be here on rotation working in the US at with us. So they'll be rotating through and then they'll be going back over a period of months. So, like, our Texas office will be the hub and then we'll actually have a lot of our SE team, our sales engineers, out of Tampa. 

36:18 - Marvin Bee (Host)
So, okay, so the super ops yacht that was in Miami, that's going to be, that's going to be stationed in Tampa. 

36:27 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
That's what you're saying. Yeah, man, we got to get you on that next one. 

36:30 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Permanently yeah. 

36:34 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Well, yeah, a lot of people love yachts. I promise we will do that again. 

36:38 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right let's people can go to the website I had put it up earlier, SuperOps.com and all the questions are there. They're the frequently asked questions signups can you pay? You know what types of plans you have monthly, annual, how many endpoints you have per technician, because your pricing is per technician. Here's a question the first package only comes with 150 endpoints and then you have to buy more. How did you guys come up with the number of 150? 

37:13 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
So if you take it's actually so, the pricing, the way super ops prices is per technician. And so if you think about the total number of devices that a technician can fully support, right, we hear numbers between you know, again, I don't there's no PTSD moments here, but like that upper echelon of 400 devices per technician, right, like everyone's like always thought about that number, even though it came out in the early enterprise days, we've kind of started to take a look at the pricing and said, all right, hey, how many devices can a technician actually even effectively manage, and what should that work, look like, and so on and so forth. So the number of 150 came about in terms of the number of devices that are associated with that. So as you think about scaling your business instead of having to buy individual licenses for every little thing, we said okay, well, if there's five technicians, you know there's likely going to be X amount of seats that are associated with that particular company, and that's how we came up with the pricing. 

So if you're in the operational range of efficiency, you're probably going to be somewhere in the 150. And then if you start really going into the scaling component and you're actually doing more with less because you have operational prowess, then you don't have to pay for another technician, you just pay for the additional seats. So that's really how it came about in terms of how they structured it. A lot of goes into our pricing conversations Like you can't imagine the amount of conversations we have around how to price stuff but that's how the genesis of that design came about Again predating us, but it took me a minute to make sure I understood as well. 

38:48 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Yeah, all right. And then, of course, the big question is the AI powered part of it. So exactly what is this intelligent automation part of SuperOps? 

39:06 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Yeah. So just in full transparency too, because I know a lot of people are worried about again the data being here in the US is a question that's answered, but the data also from a security perspective. What has access to my data? This is customer data that we have to think about right and these are customer computers and can this be weaponized? And a lot of those things like me and Matt Lee have talked about, like the implications and the opportunities around that. 

So Our AI was built by us. So we're not borrowing or leasing AI from another company. We're not taking ChatGPT and stitching it into our programs and products like we built our own AI. What it's built to do is to harness the data and actually use the data that it's being trained by to make better decisions. So in the case of something that's really interesting is conversations. So in the case of a ticket, you could ask it hey, submit this ticket to me, just tell me everything that's happened here, and it would actually just show you everything that's happened in that ticket, give you an outcome and say, all right, hey, let's just go ahead and generate the summation of this ticket and then email it to my customer. 

But I also want to change the sentiment of this ticket, because usually technicians are just very raw and brash, like, hey, your PC sucks and because you don't want to pay the money, that's why it doesn't work. That's been sent. I know because I've seen it go out of my office this before. So it's kind of like OK, soft skills are not our strong suit Not saying that's not everybody, but there are a few. 

We're techs Like we're engineers. So, that being said, ours allows you to change the sentiment and saying, hey, use a softer tone on this, and it rewrites the summation of the ticket to help them come up with those opportunities and then deliver it. That's a good example of how some of it works. On the other hand, a lot of the intelligent automation and the RMM aspects is looking at nuances of how the devices are functioning and making recommendations on things that might go bad, things that are going to happen to those particular machines and ways that, hey, you might not be looking at this, because it has all the data and it can help you make smarter decisions on things that should take place or things that might happen in the future. So a lot of that. 

41:29 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
We spent a lot of time on in my MSP was looking for patterns, ultimately, of what tickets are going to come in with the same issues and are on the same time, and can we automate that. So that's something that we started to do within our MSP, and so to realize this AI aspect is going to do that work for you the scrubbing of tickets, ultimately, to see what the patterns are, when are they happening, so that you can start to build out automated assistance for your customers. That's something that can be automatically generated for you, instead of somebody actually spending the time to go through all those tickets, because who has time for that? 

42:21 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Nancy, I'm glad you spoke up because I was going to ask you to translate what Juan said for the simple minds. 

42:26 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Oh come on. You guys are all just over here. Come on, we all live in this world. 

42:34 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
We know what we're talking about, we do yes, that's the thing right. 

42:38 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
So the way our AI is built in, it's a foundational component, so it has access to the data. We'll be launching new features and things. We have a network monitoring tool that we just launched, and a lot of it is like if you knew where you were having problems on the network and with the machine, you could triangulate that data really quickly manually. How much time does that take you, though? You can't bill for that and manage services, so your tools should do that for you, and so that's really where we're coming up with that, and again, like SOP generators and other things that we're actually coming out with documentation, best practice opportunities so all those things can be done by AI, and so that's how we're leveraging it, and it's really interesting, and I think a lot of our customers are excited about some of the things they can do with it already. 

43:24 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Now I've heard you mention network monitoring now for probably about a month, but I haven't seen or heard exactly what the network monitoring does. So for those of us who are on the outside looking in, what are you actually monitoring? 

43:40 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Right. So right now it's actually locating devices on the network, so it's being able to look at all the SNMP devices that it can identify. Right now it's looking to heartbeat signals and looking for the devices on the network and looking at all those things. Now, right now, I know the big ask is how soon can I actually manage and configure those devices, backup configs, do all those things that's coming. But the first thing's first is, as we build stuff, we have to roll it out in a way that is secure by design. So you want to make sure that we built it the right way, and so we've released network monitoring to a point where you actually can now see all the devices on the network through SNMP. So the future state is coming with a lot of new updates and things that are being added on, which will be coming out, I think, on Friday. I think we're announcing more of it Friday, but it's a big thing and we're really excited about it. 

44:37 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Just ahead of the curve, we could have had the big announcement here tonight. 

44:42 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
All right, You're on the front edge, yeah. 

44:45 - Marvin Bee (Host)
So Keith asked a question in the chat that I think is going to take too long to answer, but I just wanted to draw your attention to it. One of his concerns is using AI moving away from our real value and profit, which is customer service and care. Do you balance that in your delivery? Can you answer that quickly? 

45:07 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
So here's the thing, right, it's an option, you have an option. It's not taking over and doing it for you, it's just giving you a different way to position the information. That, and it's giving you intelligence around all the things. So, instead of scrolling through Mary that had 72 tickets over the last 30 days, you can say to it can you tell me all the tickets that Mary's had over the last 30 days and give me a summation of all her biggest problems? Right? And in that it'll actually give you the compartmentalized aspect of here are all the things, and can you help me craft an email to help her explain the challenges? And then you can change the sentiment. 

So it's not you don't have to use it that way, but for all intents purposes it's designed to create a more enhanced customer experience, not to detract, but it's also using it as a learning tool to help others understand the way to communicate more effectively with your customers, not necessarily detracting from taking the human aspect away, Because if you've ever gotten an email from me, you probably got a bunch of typos. 

You know it's real, right? You know that the word they, there they has been misspelled with me a million times, right? You know it's sincere. So it's not to take the human element out. It's actually more of a learning, educational, communication aspect and then, of course, on the automated side of the RMM, it's taking all the data and really being able to give you that strategic intelligence. So, if anything is more enhancing of those aspects and we're really cautious about approaching it in that lens, because I totally get where you're coming from again, as a creator, I don't want AI to be creating something for me and to take away my creative ability, but I would enjoy for it to not make me sound foolish and maybe have typos all the time and people are like dude, seriously, and you write books Like how Well, I have an editor. 

So, there's that. 

47:04 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Well, the other problem with AI, too, is that right now, anything we type into ChatGPT or any of the others they technically own once we type it in there, so it becomes basic I don't want to say public domain, but it's their domain and the answers that we get from it are for lack of a better phrase become plagiarism, because everybody starts using the same thing all that stuff. So it'll be interesting, but I'm glad you guys have your own platform, because that's what people are going to want. They don't want to get the same old, regurgitated stuff on the other sites. The cool thing about it is that I've heard that word twice today. 


47:57 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)

47:58 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I say this all the time. I actually said this to somebody recently. I said, dude, there's a difference between thought regurgitation and thought leadership. And AI right now, in its current state, does not have the ability to be creative. It only can be iteratively regurgitated in a new way that you've never seen before, which makes you feel like it's creative, which is not. It's actually just iterating the past to you in a much different, much more balanced nuance. So real creativity comes from us, and this is like I talked about the future of AI and the human element. Back in 2008, when I did a talk for CompTIA, I created a whole presentation about what AI was going to be doing for us. So I still stick to those laurels that AI still has the ability to create. It's just retaking everything and reorganizing it in a different way that we haven't seen. 

48:48 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
So because it has all that information. I think, when it comes to the AI aspect and being an enhancement, at the end of the day, that's what a tool is meant to do. Right is to give you more time back so that you can spend time on the things that matter the most, which is the things that we can't replace, which is humans. 

49:11 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
So Well, here's the thing too, though If I was going to have a challenge with a customer in the next 36 months and I didn't know that, and based on industry trends, what if you told me that I was going to have a problem with this industry type in 36 months? Like, would I change my business model? Would I maybe pivot and stop from potentially having to mortgage my house, you know what I mean Because of this major deficit of this particular industry type? That's where I think it can actually benefit us in a multitude of ways to make really smart, futuristic decisions on business best practice, right? So this is the way we're kind of thinking about leveraging AI, not necessarily to replace your technician or do all the things that you can do, but actually give you valuable insights on how to operate your business, and I promise you mark my words and on this show, in the next 12 months, you will see us do some really, really special stuff with AI that will change the landscape for a while until somebody copies it. 

50:10 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right, and we will have you back on the show to explain all that and talk about it and promote it and it'll be fantastic. So I want to kind of get us to slow down because, listen, I've seen you guys talk into the wee hours in the morning. We're not going to do that tonight. 

50:27 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
So it's just. 

50:29 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Wait, hold on, henry Kim just got here, man, we got to Henry I can't believe. 

50:34 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
He's here for five minutes and he's late, right? 

50:36 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Yeah, he either comes in the first five minutes or the last five minutes. I somewhere in there. So just, Henry Tim is that person that you remember from a party, but you don't remember him at the beginning or at the end. You just know he was there at some point. You know Henry Tim was probably at every conference ever had in the channel in 2023, right, I guarantee he's got to take the cake. 

51:04 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I thought I go to a lot. No, I think he's got me. 

51:07 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
I think he has one of those things from Harry Potter, the what is the time turner, so he could be in multiple places at once. All right, so. 

51:25 - Marvin Bee (Host)
You know what that is. It's time for a Florida man, or random question. 

51:31 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Uh-oh, here we go. 

51:32 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Did you guys prepare for that? I'll be honest no. 

51:38 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I hope Nancy did. 

51:40 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Nancy, did you prepare for it? 

51:43 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Of course, I prepared for it. Now, if it's the right thing, I don't know. Well, let's see. 

51:49 - Marvin Bee (Host)
The first part is let me ask are you going to tell us a story to challenge Florida man, or are you going to wimp out and answer a random question? 

52:01 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Um no, I'm going to challenge Florida man. 

52:05 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right, I think I've got a good one. Ok. 

52:08 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
I have a good one. 

52:10 - Marvin Bee (Host)
So tell us your Florida man challenge story. 

52:15 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
So someone from our community. 

52:21 - Marvin Bee (Host)
OK, that's a good start. 

52:24 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Someone sources say Our community, yep, not going to name any names because we don't know who it is. But if you're listening, you know who you are. So I live in Houston and there is a prominent street in Houston it's called Westheimer. If you've been to Houston, you know Westheimer. Someone packed a sign that is huge and very visible on this busy street in Houston and decided to tell the world how they felt that day, I guess, and said something very inappropriate. Do you want to know what the sign said? 

53:10 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Of course. 

53:13 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
It said Go beep yourself, so that may be. 

53:23 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
On the sign on Westheimer. 

53:25 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
On the sign on Westheimer. 

53:27 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
These tax man, I swear. 

53:29 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Several hours before they took it down. 

53:34 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Now here's the question Are there pictures to prove it? 

53:38 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
There are. There are pictures to prove it, there are, you'd have to look it up, all right. 

53:48 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
There we go. Now. Your broker might block you. 

53:51 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Yeah, it might. 

53:54 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right. So, Juan, your part into this Florida man Challenge is you're going to pick a number between one and three, and that'll be the Florida man story that I share. 

54:08 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
He thought it's so easy. 

54:10 - Marvin Bee (Host)
He said he didn't prepare, so I'm not going to have him scramble on air. 

54:15 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
You know what? 

54:17 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Hey, just to make a random question Random question Okay. 

54:21 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Well, I'm not and I'll pick a number, but after the random question Okay, so random question is going to be. 

54:29 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)

54:30 - Marvin Bee (Host)
This is. 

54:31 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Good one, it's a good one. Make it a good one. 

54:35 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I tried to pack that. 

54:37 - Marvin Bee (Host)
What conspiracy theories, here we go. What conspiracy theories do you believe could be true? 

54:47 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
That's actually a really good one man, that's actually really good. So I Let me just I'm a data guy, right, Okay. So I've dug into the depths of a lot of conspiracy theories. There are all kinds of them, Just because I'm trying to understand the thing that drives the people to believe it's true or to actually get to the bottom of it, One of them being contrails. 

Like I love the contrails conspiracy. Like I think that that's probably one of my favorite things to look at. I mean, every time I'm on a plan, I'm like looking out the window to see if they start spraying aluminum oxide over the cities, right? Like I think that's probably one of my fun ones. Like there's that Also. The conspiracy theory of what's underneath the Denver DIA airport is another fun one. And growing up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, always thinking about the conspiracy theory about things being in the mountains, and like there's these hidden bunkers I can actually work at Sandy National Labs and I can tell you that they're issued in the mountains. I also grew up there, all the things about aliens, right, Roswell and Area 51 and all these things. So I grew up in a very conspiracy theorist aspect, so I always had to search for all the data to find it. So those are the top three I think are my biggest conspiracy theories that I actually had, Boom boom, boom. 

56:22 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Like I can keep going actually. 

56:24 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Contrails Area 51. We're ready Like Stargate, stargate, Cheyenne Mountain. 

56:31 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I mean just flatter theories right, like you know, like you know, bigfoot right. I lived in Durango. 

56:39 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Foot is real. 

56:40 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Yeah, you'd be surprised like how many people still believe there's a Bigfoot up there and like how people we go hunt for it, and I'm just like it's wild man. Like sometimes you just have to let the creative mind go and that's where I find them. It's funny. So let's pick a number. 

56:56 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right, one, two or three. 

56:59 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I'm going to go with three. I think three is my one of my favorite numbers. 

57:02 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Three Okay. 

57:06 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Some of the comments in here are live, I know. 

57:10 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Florida. Man destroys bus after waking up in Disney world instead of SeaWorld Florida man. I saw that one. 

57:21 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
I saw that one yeah. 

57:22 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Yeah Oops. 37 year old Elijah Thomas was arrested after a violent attack against a bus that had transported him to the Walt Disney World resort in. Thomas wrote a links bus from downtown Orlando in attempt to make it to SeaWorld but fell asleep and ultimately missed his stop. So if you've seen the story, let me go on. Let's see. When he got there, the bus driver told him he had to get off the bus, as Disney Springs was the final stop. Thomas then became irate, started to yell and curse at the driver. He had to get the bus. He then remained outside while Mount. More passengers boarded the bus and when the bus driver would not allow him on, he punched the front door glass several times, then kicked the bottom glass of the front door, causing it to break in a spider pattern. The damage was only $500. But he was arrested. 

58:26 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Yeah, damage of public property. You're done, yep. 

58:30 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Especially to Disney. 

58:31 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I don't know. I kind of I like cars a little bit better. I'm we honest. I don't know if we're going to have to get a vote Like do you like that the MSP or tech community hacked the sign to put an expletive, or I don't know. I don't know that's. I'm on the fence here. 

58:44 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Yeah, what we're going to need to do is start to make this a video version or a pictorial version so we can at least have that, Because you know there are Florida man stories, but yeah, yours, yours probably. I mean, there's a few times Florida man has lost. I'm not going to admit this might be one of those times. 

59:02 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Man, I tell you that's a, that's our naughty tech community. Acting as a Texas man, I guess you'd say to rival Florida man. 

59:14 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Oh, I like that. 

59:17 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
It wasn't me, though, so that's a good thing. 

59:22 - Marvin Bee (Host)
So at least the airplane fart man wasn't in Florida. 

59:33 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
This is a story I don't know, yeah. 

59:36 - Marvin Bee (Host)
I'll have to go back and find that when there was an airline the other day that had to turn around because a gentleman was arguing, Let me see if I can find it real quick with other passengers. Let's see Farting plane. 

59:58 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Just coming off of like a 24 hour flight and then a follow up 13 hour flight like back to back, like over 50 hours’ worth of flying. 

01:00:07 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Yeah, here it is. A gassy passenger reportedly causes American Airlines flight delay, so the alleged story was retold by Reddit user another Reddit user who apparently was on the flight. The user described what happened I was seated near the row where the situation occurred, describing the gassy man as being audibly disgruntled and maybe hung over before he started farting. He said you thought that was rude. Well, how about this smell and let it rip. 

01:00:48 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
It was a bear. Brought from the stadium, got him sideways. That's right here. 

01:00:55 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Then it just became arguments and stuff. He started yelling at people across the roll. If you don't like it, you can fly private. That's so effing rude. So, yeah, they had to turn the plane around and get them off and they were delayed about 30 minutes. 

01:01:14 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
So where would the city be this? 

01:01:17 - Marvin Bee (Host)
This was, let's see. 

01:01:19 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
We got to know the city because there's a lot of Texas. 

01:01:22 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Please don't be Texas. 

01:01:26 - Marvin Bee (Host)
The flight was from Phoenix to Austin, so close. 

01:01:29 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
I was going to Austin. He's from Texas, probably trying to get home Right. 

01:01:40 - Marvin Bee (Host)
There you go, All right. Well, ladies and gentlemen, so there is your what. 

01:01:48 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
Even that story is Texas man, so I think Texas man just wins the night. 

01:01:54 - Marvin Bee (Host)
Fine, one night. One night, I'll let you have it. 

01:02:02 - Nancy Henriquez (Guest)
Oh, I love this. 

01:02:05 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right. So there we have it, folks, our newest friends in the show. Sponsors super ops. Juan Fernandez, the official title is just channel chief, right. Channel chief man and Nancy. What is it? Head of the US community, I like queen of the Americas better. 

01:02:31 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
I agree, maybe we change it. 

01:02:35 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right, I'll look for that on LinkedIn tomorrow morning. 

01:02:40 - Juan Fernandez (Guest)
In parentheses per Marvin B. 

01:02:44 - Marvin Bee (Host)
All right, folks. So I should let you know not only is super ops the drink sponsor, but they are also sponsor of that Florida man segment that you just heard, and if you are paying attention to the podcast in your pod catcher, any audio show that we have out that is not associated with a series is also being sponsored by super ops. So yesterday we had an episode dropped with our super fan, Brittany Hodak, so be sure to check that out in your pod catcher. If not, head over to ITBusinessPodcast.com and grab your latest episodes. Click on that sponsor page and support our sponsors. Net ally, super ops Computers. Done right and instant house call. 

We are going to be seeing you guys out and about. I will not be staying up with you past midnight, but we'll hang at the bar, share stories and talk about how super ops is doing great things for our community. Thank you for your time this evening and, Nancy, we've got another thing to talk about later, so stay on after the show. So that's going to do it, folks, for this Wednesday. You can check us out just about every Wednesday at 8pm. We stream live on YouTube, LinkedIn, the Facebook and on the homepage of it, business podcast dot com. Check us out. We are the show for it. Professionals everywhere, whether you're a solo MSP, a boutique MSP or a mega millionaire MSP, we bring you product stories and tips to help you do your jobs better, smarter and faster. Thank you one, thank you Nancy, and thank you all for everyone that hung out with us live here in the chat. We'll see you all soon and until next time, Holla! 

Nancy Henriquez

Head of US Community